Frequently Asked Questions

Solar FAQ

How do solar panels work?

Solar panels convert sunlight into electricity through a process called photovoltaic (PV) technology. When sunlight hits the solar cells, it generates direct current (DC) electricity, which is then converted to alternating current (AC) by an inverter for use in your home.

What are the benefits of installing solar panels at home?

Solar panels can help reduce electricity bills, lower carbon footprint, increase property value, and may qualify for government incentives or tax credits.

How much do solar panels cost?

The cost of solar panels varies depending on factors such as system size, location, and installation. However, prices have decreased over the years, making solar more affordable for homeowners.

How long do solar panels last?

Most solar panels come with a warranty of 25 years, and they can continue to generate power beyond that. The efficiency may decrease slightly over time, but modern panels are designed to be durable and long-lasting. Solar panels launched with 1960s technology still power their satellites to this day!

Is my home suitable for solar panels?

In general, homes with unobstructed access to sunlight are suitable for solar panels. Factors such as roof orientation, shading, and local climate can affect the efficiency of a solar system.

How much money can I save with solar panels?

The amount of money saved varies based on factors like energy consumption, local electricity rates, and the size of the solar system. Many homeowners experience significant long-term savings on their electricity bills.

Are there government incentives for installing solar panels?

Yes, in many regions there are government incentives, tax credits, or rebates available to encourage solar adoption. Check with local authorities to see what incentives are available in your area.

Do I need battery storage with my solar panels?

While not necessary, battery storage can be beneficial for storing excess energy generated during the day for use during periods of low sunlight or power outages. Batteries can actually save you money depending on your utility company rate schedule.

How long does it take to install solar panels on a home?

The installation time can vary, but on average, it takes a few days to a couple of weeks. The process involves a site assessment, obtaining permits, and installing the panels.

Can I install solar panels myself?

While it’s technically possible, installing solar panels is a complex construction project that should be done by professional installers. It’s recommended to hire a qualified solar installer for a safe and efficient installation.

EV Charging FAQ

How does home EV charging work?

Home EV charging involves using a dedicated charging station or a standard electrical outlet to recharge your electric vehicle. Most EV owners install a Level 2 charging station at home for faster charging.

What types of home EV chargers are available?

There are Level 1 chargers (standard electrical outlets) and Level 2 chargers (dedicated charging stations). Level 1 chargers are slower, while Level 2 chargers provide faster charging speeds.

How long does it take to charge an electric vehicle at home?

Charging times vary based on the charger’s power (measured in kilowatts) and the vehicle’s battery capacity. Level 1 chargers are slower and can take several hours, while Level 2 chargers are much faster.

Do I need a special electrical setup for home EV charging?

Level 2 chargers require a dedicated circuit, may involve permitting, and require professional installation by a qualified electrician. For Level 1 charging, a standard household electrical outlet is usually sufficient.

Can I install a home EV charger myself?

While some Level 1 chargers can be plugged into a standard outlet by the user, Level 2 chargers often require professional installation to ensure safety and compliance with electrical codes.

Are there government incentives for installing a home EV charger?

In some regions, there are government incentives or rebates available to encourage the installation of home EV chargers. Check with local authorities for any available programs.

Can I charge my electric vehicle using a standard wall outlet?

Yes, it’s possible to charge an electric vehicle using a standard household outlet (Level 1 charging). However, it is much slower compared to Level 2 charging and can strain older electrical systems leading to tripped breakers, fire, or damage to equipment.

What is the cost of installing a home EV charging station?

The cost of installing a home EV charging station varies based on factors such as the type of charger, installation requirements, and local labor costs. Some utility companies may offer rebates or discounts. Each situation is different and may require a different scope of work such as adding a bollard, an attic wiring run, or trenching between buildings.

Do I need to charge my electric vehicle every day?

The frequency of charging depends on your driving habits and the range of your electric vehicle. Some EV owners charge daily, while others may charge every few days. Tesla recommends only charging for the distance you anticipate driving.

Can I use a public charging station instead of charging at home?

Yes, public charging stations are available, and you can use them as needed. However, having a home charging station is convenient for daily charging and ensures your vehicle is ready when you need it. When properly configured with Solar and Storage, you could keep your EV running indefinitely off of sunshine from your home.

These are general answers, and details may vary based on your location and the specific electric vehicle you own. If you have more specific questions, feel free to ask!

Storage FAQ

What is home battery storage?

Home battery storage involves the use of batteries to store excess energy generated by solar panels or obtained from the grid. This stored energy can be used during periods of low electricity generation or during power outages.

How do home battery storage systems work?

Home batteries store electricity when it’s abundant and release it when demand(Price) is high or during power outages. They are typically charged either through solar panels or by drawing power from the grid during off-peak times.

What are the benefits of installing a home battery storage system?

Benefits include backup power during outages, increased energy independence, potential cost savings by using stored energy during peak hours, and the ability to store excess solar energy for use at night.

What types of batteries are used in home energy storage?

Common types of batteries used for home energy storage include lithium iron phosphate(LFP), lithium-ion batteries, lead-acid batteries, and flow batteries. Lithium-iron Phosphate LFP

How long do home batteries last?

The lifespan of home batteries varies based on the type and usage. Lithium-ion batteries, for example, typically last around 10-15 years, but advancements in technology may lead to longer lifespans in the future. The warranty period covers a minimum available state of charge. Batteries should continue to work long after the warranty period. Additional warranty periods may be purchased at the time of installation.

an I install a home battery storage system myself?

While some smaller systems may be suitable for DIY installation, larger and more complex systems often require professional installation to ensure safety, compliance, and optimal performance. Please: DO NOT ATTEMPT A BATTERY INSTALLATION WITHOUT TRAINING & SUPERVISION OF A QUALIFIED ELECTRICIAN.

Do I need solar panels to use a home battery storage system?

No, solar panels are not strictly necessary, but pairing a home battery storage system with solar panels allows you to store excess energy generated during the day for use during the night or during power outages. Duke Energy’s Power Pair Program coming in May 24* is intended to incentivize storage and purchase power from homeowners at peak times.

Can I use a home battery to go completely off the grid?

While it’s possible to reduce reliance on the grid, going completely off the grid may require a significant investment in both solar panels and battery storage to meet all energy needs. Local laws and restrictions may influence your ability to be “off-grid” while maintaining a certificate of occupancy.

Are there government incentives for installing home battery storage?

In some regions, there may be government incentives, rebates, or tax credits available to encourage the adoption of home battery storage systems. Check with local authorities for any available programs.The Renewable Energy 30% Earned Income Tax Credit. Instead of giving that money to the government as a liability, you can use it to install an asset that will save money and increase home value.

How much does a home battery storage system cost?

The cost of a home battery storage system depends on factors such as capacity, brand, and installation costs. The largest leaps forward in technology have been in batteries. They’re smaller, more powerful, and getting less expensive. Prices have been decreasing, and some regions offer financial incentives to offset costs. Duke Energy’s Power Pair Program coming in May 24* is intended to incentivize storage and purchase power from homeowners at peak times.

Can a home battery be used during a power outage?

Yes, one of the primary benefits of home battery storage is its ability to provide backup power during a power outage. The system can automatically switch to battery power when the grid goes down.

These are general answers, and specifics may vary based on the type of battery system and your location. If you have more specific questions, feel free to ask!